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Embracing Diversity: The Future of Education in England

  • Publish Date: Posted 8 months ago

The current landscape.

The Department for Education (DfE) in England has shown a gradual yet positive shift towards enhancing diversity within its workforce. Recent figures reveal that 19.5% of the DfE's workforce identifies as Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME), increasing from 18.1% in 2018. Despite this progress, the representation of BAME individuals in leadership roles lags at 11.3%, spotlighting the need for persistent efforts to bridge this gap. 

A recent report by The Guardian has brought to light the stark disparities in teacher diversity across England, with regions such as the north-east showing a particularly low proportions in its teaching workforce. Students of Pakistani or black-African origin are unlikely to ever have a teacher who shares their ethnicity. Kevin Courtney, joint general secretary of the National Education Union (NEU), echoes these findings, highlighting the urgent need for teacher training institutions to re-evaluate their recruitment procedures to address the under-representation of black communities in the teaching force.

Clearly work needs to be done.

Why diversity matters.

Diversity within the educational sector extends beyond the mere inclusion of different ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds. Its importance is rooted in the profound impact it has on students, educators, and society as a whole.

  • Educational enrichment: a diverse teaching staff brings a plethora of perspectives that enrich the curriculum, offering students a broader understanding of the global community.

  • Enhanced student achievement: there is compelling evidence to suggest that students benefit academically and socially when their educators reflect their own backgrounds, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

  • Social integration: promoting diversity among teachers helps lay the groundwork for a more inclusive society, instilling values of tolerance and understanding from a young age.

The importance cannot be overstated. It’s a crucial component of a high-quality education system that prepares students not only academically but also socially and emotionally for the challenges and opportunities of a connected world.

What education leaders do to help.

Leaders in the educational sector play a crucial role in shaping environments that embrace and enhance diversity. To effectively nurture, leaders can adopt a multifaceted approach that begins with a commitment to understanding and addressing the unique challenges and barriers faced by underrepresented groups within their institutions.

Start with conducting thorough assessments of current policies, practices, and culture to identify areas where biases may exist and taking decisive action to eliminate. For instance, implementing unbiased recruitment and promotion practices can help increase the representation of underrepresented groups among staff and leadership positions, thereby providing students with role models who reflect their own backgrounds and experiences.

Beyond internal policy and curriculum reform, leaders can foster partnerships with community organisations, parents, and other stakeholders to create a collaborative approach to diversity.

By actively seeking input and involvement from a broad spectrum of the community, educational leaders can ensure that initiatives are not only reflective of but also actively supported by the communities they serve. Through these concerted efforts, leaders can cultivate an educational landscape where diversity is not just accepted but celebrated, laying the foundation for a more inclusive, equitable, and vibrant society.

A vision for the future.

Whilst progress is being made, it's crucial to remember that our goal is more than mere numerical targets. It's about embodying the values of a diverse society and harnessing the transformative power of education to shape future generations. With commitment and collaboration, we envision a future where every student not only thrives academically but is also supported by educators who mirror the modern world.

Achieving this future requires a cultural shift towards equity and inclusion, demanding active efforts to dismantle barriers that limit diversity within educational settings. It calls for a collaborative approach, engaging educators, families, communities, and policymakers in a shared mission to cultivate educational environments that celebrate diversity as a strength.

By fostering a culture that values and practices inclusion, we prepare students not only with academic skills but with the social and emotional competencies essential for global citizenship.


The journey towards improving diversity within England's educational framework is complex and ongoing. As we strive to reflect the true nature of the modern society in our classrooms, the collective efforts of organisations like iCan Teach UK, alongside data-driven policies and inclusive recruitment strategies, will be instrumental in paving the way for a future where diversity in education is not just an aspiration but a reality.


Department for Education. "Equality and Diversity in the Department for Education.",for%20children%20and%20young%20people.

"Lack of diversity in teaching in England means minority ethnic pupils miss out." The Guardian.

The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems