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iCan Exchange - April 2022

  • Start Date: Wednesday, 20 April 2022
  • Start Time: 09:00
Location: Online Platform (Details TBC)

What is iCan Exchange?

iCan Exchange offers the opportunity to virtually meet and interview with up to five UK schools in one day, ensuring you have as many options as possible to choose from.

 By the end of the day you’ll not only have a job offer but will feel that you have explored a number of options and can feel secure that you are making the right decision for your teaching career!


How does it work for teachers?

For many applying for roles in the UK can be a time consuming and overwhelming task – ‘Where do I start? How do I apply? How do I know if it is the right school for me?’ - iCan Exchange removes all of these issues by providing you with a tailored list of schools to choose from and interview times agreed across two days all on one platform.


What are the steps?

  1. Register for iCan Exchange

  2. Pre-Interview Call with iCan Teach UK Team – Outline requirements and discuss opportunities

  3. Review list of matching schools and select preferred

  4. Receive interview schedule

  5. Attend iCan Exchange and interview with up to 5 schools

  6. Feedback call with iCan Teach UK

  7. Receive offers for roles in England in 2022/23

If you are interested in teaching in the UK's next academic year then there is no better way than ‘iCan Exchange’ so please complete the form below or contact us directly.